I was reading an email from the editors of one of my favorite magazines Design NJ and saw that one was describing the “healing power of home”. That gave me chills. For someone like me, a decorator, designer, stylist, home problem solver, I never thought of it this way. Yes, I always say to love your home, that it should be the calm to your storm but to actually heal? That’s a whole other level but it makes perfect sense (duh Maria 😆). I mean where do we go to heal from cuts, bruises, sickness and surgeries- home. Where do we find comfort to our broken hearts, anxiety attacks, or depression- home. So to say it has healing powers, well, I can completely agree.
The main reason why I began my business was because of this underlying need to have my home feed my soul. I guess you could say I needed it to “heal” me. As a stay at home mother of two boys, ages 3 and newborn, I realized the constant chaos state my house was contributing to some anxiety, feelings of being uncomfortable and not even wanting to be at home. On the sidelines, I was studying to become certified in Interior Decorating, still not thinking of starting my own business, but looking for something that was my own that didn’t have anything to do with babies. As I learned about different patterns, textures, colors and how these and so much more effects the feelings of a home, I began switching it all around to find that balance of kids and adults. It was in the midst of finding my balance that I knew I wanted to be able to help other families find their balance.
Now, in this time of pandemic (I still cannot wrap my head around all of this), our homes are healing us in ways we can’t even begin to understand. It’s sheltering us from the unknown. It’s creating conversations and small moments between family members that never would have happened. But most importantly, it’s providing us a place to find comfort and ease in these times.
Friends, make sure your home is healing you during these times. Bring in colors that make you happy, cook as much comfort food as you want, and let yourself relax as much as you can. My heart and mind are with everyone as we are all finding our way through this.
Project update.....
I am so blessed to be continuing to help families find their balance. Here is the design board for one of my current home projects that hopefully construction can begin early summer! These boards are also available through my e-design service and you can find details here. I miss being able to see these projects in person and I can't wait for the day when I can see my family, friends and clients again!
Stay safe and healthy!
*Beginning a project and need help? From consultations to full service residential design, I can help you create your dream home! Click here for services! *I'd love for you to follow along with both my client and personal projects in Facebook or Instagram!